Important! Read This before Purchasing FINAL FANTASY XIV!
Service accounts for FINAL FANTASY XIV and the FINAL FANTASY XIV Collector's Edition can only be added for the same region as your Square Enix account (Japan, North America, or Europe). The game cannot be played if the product region is different from the Square Enix account region, so be sure to check the region for which the product is intended before making a purchase. 作者: 丨一朵丶白影 时间: 2010-7-17 09:26
话说FF14对电脑要求好高....扇大银有什么办法木有...更新驱动?超频?本本换硬件好麻烦作者: 丨一朵丶专属 时间: 2010-7-17 11:56
你直接换台超配就OK了作者: 丨一朵丶大狐狸 时间: 2010-7-20 02:43
也就是说日本的典藏版 没有办法玩美服咯~作者: 丨一朵丶白铃兰 时间: 2010-7-22 02:14